
This section will contain links to some useful free or not so free tools for a pixeler.

Grafx 2

Developed by Sunset Design.

·   GRAFX 2.00 win32 port by LightShow/Eclipse
·   GRAFX 2.00 Beta 96.5% Latest beta - lots of bug fixes, and some improvements
·   GRAFX 2.00 Alpha 96.3% some improvements but some glitches too
·   GRAFX 2.00 Beta 96.1% nice and stable

Pixel 32

Get it here.

Pixel32 is being developed by Secundum Artem. It seems to have a great potential and already has some great qualities, like great looking interface, layers, palette management, TrueType font rendering, and much more. Be sure to go to their page to check it out and give the author some feedback!

One of the great things about it, is that it is being developed by one of the #pixel dudes - DrDestiny!


Nice little tool to set the rate at which your mouse sends the coordinates to your Windoze. Makes mouse movements a lot smoother.

If you have or know about other tools for pixeler please mail me (don't mail me the actual program - just tell me where I can get it from)

Designed and maintained by Sh'ar.